Young members Bursary
Scholarships for participation in the
XLIX Congress of the Physical Chemistry Division of the Italian Chemical Society
On the occasion of the XLIX National Congress of the Physical Chemistry Division of the Italian Chemical Society (SCI), to be held in Turin from 4 to 7 September 2023, the Physical Chemistry Division of the SCI is announcing 10 scholarships for young members under the age of 30 years1 in the year 2023, who intend to present a contribution to the congress.
The scholarships consist of exemption from the payment of the Congress registration fee.
For the award of the scholarships, the Committee, consisting of three members registered in the Division of Physical Chemistry and appointed by the Board of Directors of the Division, will evaluate the curriculum vitae of the applicants.
The deadline to apply for the scholarship is 15 May 2023.
Click here to download the call for application. When sending your e-mail please use "Borse di studio per la partecipazione al XLIX CDCF Torino-2023" as the subject line.
1 Excluding participants with a permanent positions.