Abstract & Registration
Please, fill in the Registration Form and then follow the instructions below to finalize your abstract submission:
1) Download the one-page abstract template by clicking here
Please ensure that your abstract DOES NOT EXCEED ONE PAGE including references
2) Fill in the abstract template without altering style, fonts and file format which should remain .docx. Please name the abstract either as: Surname_Name_oral.docx or Surname_Name_poster.docs
3) Send the abstract by email at this address: info.dcf@unito.it by specifying: Subject: "Abstract CDCF49 Surname_Name"Â
3) Send the abstract by email at this address: info.dcf@unito.it by specifying: Subject: "Abstract CDCF49 Surname_Name"Â
Body of the mail: Your Name and Surname and the topic to which the contribution should be considered: T1: Physical chemistry of materials. T2: Physical chemistry of soft matter and life science. T3: Physical Chemistry of energy production and storage. T4: Theoretical and computational chemistry. T5: Physical Chemistry approach to catalysis. T6: Reactive processes in gas, liquid and solid phases
Body of the mail: Your Name and Surname and the topic to which the contribution should be considered: T1: Physical chemistry of materials. T2: Physical chemistry of soft matter and life science. T3: Physical Chemistry of energy production and storage. T4: Theoretical and computational chemistry. T5: Physical Chemistry approach to catalysis. T6: Reactive processes in gas, liquid and solid phases
4) Payment on the SCI web site will be required after the announcement of the selected oral contributions